Sharing One Love to transform communities to be safe places for the vulnerable.
By connecting front-line providers with community resources through our CASES program, Sharing One Love provides a shared network for community advocates; increases collaboration; encourages shared resources and information for the sake of those being served; and has components to identify (mapping) and respond to victims of human trafficking.
Sharing One Love provides churches, universities and small groups with the tools and training they need to to take action.
Our vision, to mobilize communities everywhere by building a network that provides one place for trained community members and advocates to tap into a “hub” of information, using tools to help them identify and serve victims of human trafficking as part of a team.
About Our Training Sharing One Love's Advocates access online training in core strategies of sex trafficking prevention, community outreach and identifying resources for restoration. Once trained S1L Advocates can use these same resources to train other advocates on how to take action in their community. Sharing One Love's Network includes expert trainers and front line service providers that present workshops that offer Advocates additional resources in fulfilling their role.